About the sessions:
- I am trained in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, which emphasises the foundations of thoughts and behaviours in earlier life experiences.
- The sessions are guided by you as a client. You do not need my permission to discuss a different topic, nor is there an expectation from me of progress, success or particular content from you.
- The pace and content of the session(s) are individualised. If you feel uncomfortable approaching a topic of discussion, or would like more direction towards a particular topic of instruction, you are free to inform me.
- I do not set ‘homework’. It might be that as a natural part of our work, tools or books may naturally come up in conversation but their incorporation into our work is entirely at your discretion.
- I am open to feedback at all times, and may periodically ask you for feedback directly, and our approach to the work may alter as a result.
- Its possible that issues may arise in our therapeutic relationship. These are not unusual and working on resolving those can be an important part of the therapeutic process.
- You may at times have some uncomfortable feelings about therapy, or me as a therapist. These can be brought to our sessions and will be heard without judgement.
- I sometimes find it useful to draw on lived experience to highlight a point of discussion, commonly referred to as ‘self-disclosure’. Self-disclosure is opt-in, not opt-out. Please inform me if you feel I am using this too much, not enough, or if you have found it helpful or otherwise.
- Clients are welcome to contact me by email, text or WhatsApp outside of the sessions. Where possible, I will read and acknowledge what is sent, but will address its content in our sessions.